March 20, 2006

Kansas here I come >.<

Welp, it can't be held off any longer. There is nothing but a dead end here. I haven't been able to find a place to stay that I can afford and no prospect on finding a job soon. My brother said I could stay with him for a while but there's just no reason for me to stay. I've made an appointment with the vet to get my cat her shots and stuff and I will have to get up the money to get a plane ticket and a ride to the airport. I should be outta here by Thursday. The down side is that I can't take my computers. I don't know if I'll even take the hard drives. I should...take the hds and all of my cds since it will probably be easier for me to get another computer down there once I start working. Even if I have to rent one for a couple of weeks. I do have two external enclosures so I'd be able to swap the other two hds as needed to get to my information and what not. This really sucks.

Posted by Ryo-ohki at 02:27 PM | Comments (2)

March 11, 2006

I may have to move to Kansas :(

Lord knows I don't want to fucking do that but I'm having less and less options. My main reason for not going is not being able to take my computers and my cat. I was talking to my sister a few minutes ago and she made a damn good suggestion and it's making it more likely that I do go by the minute. She's like you can get another computer. I told her it's not the computer, it's the information on it. Then she was like well, why don't you just take the hard drives. Why the hell haven't I even considered that? I have 5 hard drives, but only 3 of them are internal drives. It wouldn't take much to put them in a duffel bag or something. I can take up my brother's offer of putting my shit on storage. I'm pretty sure he would take care of my cat too if I asked him. Once I get on my feet up there, I could come back for all of my shit. I will have to make a decision within the next few days. I need to call the damn courthouse and see what's the date this eviction is supposed to take place. I didn't even get a notice to appear in court.

Posted by Ryo-ohki at 10:09 AM | Comments (3)

March 07, 2006

Susumu :)

I'm just sitting here bored as hell and I realize that I haven't shown any pictures of her. The first two are when I first got her. She was soooooooo small and couldn't even walk. Just sort of wobbled and shook. Now she's all grown up into my little demon. You can click on the images to see the larger versions.

susumu00 susumu01
susumu02 susumu03
Posted by Ryo-ohki at 08:25 AM | Comments (0)